EBB Group CEO Eric White Shares Insights in Business Podcasts

Dallas, TX (May 5, 2021) – EBB Group of Texas, LLC (“EBB Group” or the “Firm”), a full-service middle-market financial advisory firm, is pleased to announce the participation of its CEO, Eric White, in two investment banking-related podcasts: Dallas Bankers and Business Exit Stories.

During the podcast with Dallas Bankers, Mr. White discussed EBB Group’s history and process, as well as illustrated how the company manages unconventional situations with clients and buyers. The full episode can be watched here.

During the podcast with Business Exit Stories, Mr. White discusses the importance of understanding a buyer’s motivations and having a clear grasp on what valuation the market will support on a client’s business. On this point, he also emphasizes the importance of conducting a Quality of Earnings and trying to see one’s business through a non-personal lens. The episode can be listened to here.